Color codes converter

Convert HEX to RGB, RAL Classic, RAL Design Plus, RAL Effect, Pantone, CMYK, HSL, HSB, WEBSAFE, NCS, NTC, LAB and vice versa. Digital to physical color conversion tool.

The conversion for colors that don't match is based on the nearest matching color. To convert the color type the color code in the first input box in a supported format or choose it from the picker and click on the convert button.

Color schemes

The color schemes get generated automaticaly for the converted color based on color theory and the distance on the color wheel. Explore color schemes related to the converted color. Useful for when you need to obtain a palette of colors. Below you can find colors in 6 different schemes (analogous, monochromatic, complementary, triade, tetrade and split), the first in each scheme being the converted color. The schemes are generated based on the distance on the color wheel.

Color charts

Below you can find full color charts for Pantone (PMS), RAL Design Plus, RAL Effect, RAL Classic, Flat design, Material design, Websafe, NCS, CSS and NTC color's names. The lists are interactive providing conversion information upon clicking on each color box.

Download programmable data of color conversion in JSON format ready to use in your application, find color conversion information for each color from the charts. Pick colors based on tested use cases driven by industry standards.


Pantone Matching System (PMS), is a color space used mostly in graphic design, printing, manufacturing and supporting the transformation of color from digital design to production in physical formats.

RAL Design Plus

RAL Design Plus is the expanded RAL color system that includes 1825 colors that are grouped every 10° of hue and additionally at 75°, 85° and 95°. Developed as a color matching tool for architects, designers, industry workers and trading. The colors of RAL Classic and RAL Design Plus do not intersect.

RAL Effect

The RAL Effect color chart is a collection of 70 metalic colors and 420 solid colors. The RAL Effect paint is based on acrylic paint system and colors, that goes along with solid and metalic colors. This RAL collection is innovative as it is the first RAL paint to be based on waterborne paint systems. The RAL Effect paint system is ISO compliant and eco-friendly because it doesn't make use of toxic, heavy metals in paint such as lead, chromates, and cadmium.

RAL Classic

RAL Classic is a color matching system that is mainly propagated in Europe, it is effectively used for varnish and powder coating but also for panels and plastics.

NTC colors names

NTC colors names. The color names in the Name The Color library were found via Wikipedia, Crayola, and Color-Name Dictionaries.

NCS colors

NCS colors stand for Natural Color System and is the color standard used in interior design, decorating, and painting mostly in Sweden, Spain, Norway, South Africa but is also getting more popular in Europe.The NCS standard is unique, being based on the physical perception of colors - how our eyes naturally see them. It does not use color names - instead it uses letters and numbers to describe any color.

CSS colors names

CSS colors names (color keywords). The color names work directly in CSS3 code, they prove useful when writing code for web design, being easy to apply and remember.

Flat Design

Flat Design is a minimalistic design language. It is commonly applied in user interfaces (UI) designs, for example web or mobile applications but also in printing graphics for publishing, documents, posters, guides or products.

Material Design

Material Design is a design language developed by Google in 2014. It's colors are based on research about creating of a new visual language that combines good design with scientific and technical innovation.


Websafe colors were designed for displays capable of displaying 256 colors. Through the 2000s use of such displays in PC's doropped to minimum in favour of the TrueColor displays and the use of Websafe colors became unpractical.